According to the ISC ranking system, University of Guilan was among the top ten comprehensive universities in the country

16 11 2022
کد خبر : 3195360
تعداد بازدید : 645

According to the results announced by the Islamic World Science Reference Database (ISC) in 2020-2021, after examining and evaluating 110 universities in the country, University of Guilan ranked 10th among 74 comprehensive universities with a remarkable growth and in the category of industrial and comprehensive universities ranked 15th among 99 universities.

According to the ISC methodology, in this ranking, the general evaluation criteria of universities and higher education institutions were dome six areas: 1- education (with a weight of 30%), 2- research (with a weight of 25%), 3- technology and innovation (with a weight of 20%), 4- internationalization (with a weight of 10%), 5- economic impact (with a weight of 10%) and 6- social services, infrastructure and facilities (with a weight of 5%) and each of these main criteria was divided into a number of main indicators and sub-indices. The performance of the universities in each of these six criteria is also examined and evaluated separately, and University of Guilan ranked among the top ten comprehensive universities in the two sectors of technology and innovation, and economic impact.


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