An academic staff of University of Guilan received the 2022 Rayko Petrov International Award

18 09 2022
کد خبر : 3195551
تعداد بازدید : 538

Dr. Bahman Mirzaei, Professor of the Department of Sports Physiology of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of University of Guilan, received the "Raiko Petrov " international award of 2022 from the World Wrestling Federation in recognition of his years of scientific efforts related to the field of wrestling.





 It is worthwhile to mention that in the international scientific symposium of adult wrestling championships entitled "Using the scientific foundations of Olympic wrestling for the development of our sport" which was held on September 14, 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia, under the supervision of the Scientific Commission of the World Wrestling Federation, the network of International Wrestling Researchers (INWR) and in collaboration with the Wrestling Federation, speakers from various countries presented the results of their scientific research in the field of sport physiology. Also, Dr. Mirzaei from University of Guilan spoke as a special speaker in this symposium.

University of Guilan congratulates Dr. Mirzaei and the scientific and sports community for this achievement.

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