Central laboratory of the university acquired a certificate of qualification based on the ISO/IEC17025 standard

29 11 2022
کد خبر : 3195280
تعداد بازدید : 552

The central laboratory of the university in accordance to expand the provision of specialized and knowledge-based services at the provincial, regional and international levels and with a diversification approach to the branding category and diversification in the university's income through providing the infrastructures and creation of managerial and technical requirements, succeeded in obtaining the certificate of qualification based on the ISO/IEC17025 standard. This standard is related to areas of remaining of agricultural poisons and pesticides, storage poisons and mycotoxins, pollutants and heavy metals in grains and its products, food, animal feed and plant-based poultry foods.




According to the qualification of ISO/IEC17025 standard, this laboratory complex with dozens of strategic and widely used devices in specialized fields, while being ready to provide scientific services to students, professors, researchers and scientific and industrial and research centers of the region and the country, is ready to contract and provide services to merchants, industrial companies and executive bodies of the province nationally and internationally.


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