Happy Caspian Day

13 08 2022
کد خبر : 3195599
تعداد بازدید : 585

The University of Guilan, as the Iranian Secretariat of the Association of State Universities of the Caspian Region Countries, commemorates Caspian Day, which coincides with the implementation of the Tehran Convention or the Regional Convention on the Protection of the Environment of the Sea on August 12, 2006. In order to achieve the goals of the Secretariat as well as the Tehran Convention, The University of Guilan strives to strengthen the joint cultural, educational, and research cooperation of member universities. Measures taken and ongoing in this regard include the formation of the association databases, signing of bilateral or multilateral memorandums of understanding, exchange programs, as well as the creation of the necessary infrastructure to promote the language of the Member States of the Union.




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