Journals Published by University of Guilan Indexed in Prestigious International Databases

30 06 2020
کد خبر : 3197140
تعداد بازدید : 736

The Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences, the official publication of the Association of State Universities of Caspian Region Countries which is published by University of Guilan, is already recognized as an ISI journal, having been indexed in the Web of Science (Clarivate) Core Collection, under the Master Journal List (

Furthermore, the Journal of Mathematical Modeling, published by the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, is now indexed in the Scopus and Scimago databases with the SJR of 0.2. The journal publishes articles in various fields of applied mathematics and computational science including mathematical modeling, numerical methods for integro-differential equations, numerical method in linear algebra, mathematical optimization, computer stimulation and parallel algorithms. It is important to note that the first volume of the journal was published in January, 2014 with six articles, and it was indexed in the ZbMath and MathSciNet databases.

دسته بندی :
Scientific Achievements