New academic year celebration for international students 2022-2023

16 11 2022
کد خبر : 3195344
تعداد بازدید : 579

The celebration of the beginning of the academic year of the international students of University of Guilan was held on November 11, 2022 at Hekmat Amphitheater of University of Guilan. Students from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, Yemen, India and Russia were present in this ceremony. This gathering, which was held with the aim of cultural convergence and also to familiarize incoming students with the university, educational and research laws, led to the implementation of various cultural programs and exchange of views between officials and students. While welcoming the incoming international students and wishing them success, the administrators of the university explained some of the rules and regulations of the university and noted that they will always be ready to listen to their opinions and answer their questions. In this ceremony, the director of international scientific cooperation considered the presence of international students in University of Guilan as a two-way opportunity and expressed hope that this opportunity will be used effectively. In this meeting, representatives of international students presented their opinions and suggestions and recited their own poetries. Finally, The celebration ended with giving gifts to some students.



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