Operation of University of Guilan Innovation Center in the presence of Vice President for Science and Technology

31 05 2022
کد خبر : 3196064
تعداد بازدید : 619

The innovation center of the University of Guilan was put into operation in the presence of Dr. Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology, Dr. Ali Khairuddin, the deputy minister of technology and innovation, and Dr. Assadollah Abbasi, the provincial governor of Guilan.


It is worth mentioning that University of Guilan innovation center was put into operation within an area of ​​1,875 square meters and at a cost of more than 6 billion Tomans, where the startup teams of students, graduates and faculty members of the university who have technological ideas that lead to starting a business, are recruited and supported. Intellectual property office, Gilan Research and Technology Fund, the representatives of the private sectors in the field of venture capital in the creative industries accelerator - "Verna accelerator"- are among the active offices in this center.     

The vice president for science and technology and the deputy minister of technology and innovation, before inaugurating the University of Guilan innovation center, visited the knowledge-based companies including Iran auto parts processing and manufacturing, Paya Clutch and Pars Bioproduct in Rasht industrial zone.

Inaugurating Gilan innovation factory and visiting its units, inaugurating Moka'ab collaborative workspace and innovation center and visiting Gilan creative and innovation house and the located technology companies and units are among the one-day itineraries of the vice president for science and technology and his accompanying delegation to Gilan province.


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