Scientific session on “Research Grants and Chinese University Network”

03 07 2022
کد خبر : 3195775
تعداد بازدید : 539

Scientific session on "Research Grants and Chinese University Network" was held on 28 June, 2022 in Hekmat Amphitheater of Faculty Literature and Humanities of University of Guilan and lectured by Dr. Yousef Hojjat (Faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University and former scientific counsellor of Iran in China) and Dr. Hossien Nassiraei (Faculty member of University of Guilan).




During the session, Higher education in China and its subcategories were introduced to participants. Additionally, the educational and research opportunities funded by China were discussed and Dr. Hojjat mentioned that the proper educational and research infrastructures in China have resulted in a growth in the number of students' return to the country from 20% to 80% in 2000 and recent years, respectively. He also added that the educational and research development should be considered for human resources attraction in Iran. On top of that, mentioning the ratio of publications' quantity to 1bln dollar research fund in the world (China 1 and Iran 9), he emphasized that this indicator cannot be a suitable criterion to evaluate different aspects of the successful results of research grants in any country. Because in a country such as China, research grants usually result in production, services or products to improve lifestyle, whereas in developing countries it will only be spent on academic paper production. Furthermore, he mentioned that most of the students who spend their higher education in China or researchers who collaborate with educational and research centers of this country, become a favorite person among Chinese community and receive a friendly attitude from them. On the other hand, some students of undergraduate studies (especially medical sciences which had a notable increase in enrollment in recent years) have shown inappropriate behaviors and had improper educational performances which have resulted in an undesirable attitude from Chinese and perusing education in this level is not suggested.

Dr. Nassiraei stated his experiences on collaborations with Peking University. Meanwhile, he mentioned that the Chinese research partner's behavior were proper and friendly.

The session concluded with questions and answers between in-person and online participants with the lecturers.

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