The ceremony of international graduates was held throughout the country

26 07 2022
کد خبر : 3195663
تعداد بازدید : 511


The ceremony of international graduates was held throughout the country with the aim of strengthening and continuing the communication of graduates and deepening the cultural connections of nations in the context of Islamic Iran culture. The celebration was held in Mashhad from 12 to 17 July, along with the decade of imamate and wilayat, with the efforts of the General Directorate of International Students of the Student Affairs Organization and hosted by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. international students from more than 20 nationalities and 43 universities participated in the ritual, and various cultural and educational programs were planned for students in this ritual, which has had a history of holding in previous years. Dr. Hashem Dadashpour, deputy minister of science and head of the Student Affairs Organization, said at the opening ceremony: "The place of the Islamic world is a good opportunity for education so that the Islamic world is the world's leading producer of science. Referring to the infrastructures for the production of science in Iran, he said: "Today, with the production of 2.16 of the world's science, from this perspective, we have the first rank of the Countries of the Islamic World and the 15th rank in the world, which shows that Iran has entered scientific competition with developed countries. In a way, 51 of the 2,300 universities participating in the production of world science are Iranian. It is worthwhile to mention that 15 international male and female students from The University of Guilan attended the ceremony with the support of the University President and the Directorate of International Cooperation.



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