The graduated PhD Student of the university campus was ranked among the top two percent of scientists in the world

16 11 2022
کد خبر : 3195328
تعداد بازدید : 561

According to the Elsevier Scientific and Publishing Institute and following the research conducted by Stanford University researchers on the Scopus database, the list of the most cited scientists in all fields as the top two percent of scientists in two period of time: short period (based on the citation status in 2021) and long term (their entire scientific life between 1960 and 2021) were identified and introduced.



In this report, which was published on October 10, 2022, Dr. Mohammad Baqer Askari (a Ph.D. alum of the university and a post-doctoral researcher in physics) is listed in the short period term.

Furthermore, This research has classified scientists in 22 scientific disciplines and 176 scientific sub-disciplines by the citation data of Scopus database, and the following Scientometrics parameters were used are the number of articles, the number of references to articles without author self-citation, the number of single-author articles, the percentage of authors citing their articles, the H index of scientists in specialized fields and a The combined index is called C-Score. In this report, the metrics with and without self-citation of researchers and the ratio of the number of references to the number of referring articles are also presented.

In total, based on the mentioned indicators, 715 researchers from Iran have been included in the list of top scientists in the long term. Also, the contribution of University of Guilan is 6 scientists, among 1870 researchers included in the list of top scientists in the short term and the contribution of University of Guilan is 17 scientists.


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