The selection of an academic member of University of Guilan as the top referee of Journal of Applied Animal Research

16 11 2022
کد خبر : 3195408
تعداد بازدید : 578

Dr. Navid Qavi Hosseinzadeh, a faculty member of the Department of Animal Sciences, in Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Guilan (UG), has been selected as the top referee of the Journal of Applied Animal Research for the last four years. The publisher of this publication is Taylor & Francis, and its 2021 impact factor is 2.012 and is among Q1 publications. This publication publishes related scientific articles in various fields of animal science field after anonymous two-way evaluation in the form of original, short and review research articles with open access. The Vice Chancellor of Research and Technology of UG congratulates Mr. Qavi Hosseinzadeh and the academic university for this success.


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