University of Guilan in CTWS Leiden Ranking 2022

03 07 2022
کد خبر : 3195791
تعداد بازدید : 537

CWTS Leiden Ranking published the 2022 world university ranking results. In addition to this, 44 universities from Iran were among 1318 universities worldwide. Whereas, the number of Iranian universities in 2021 was 36 among 1225 universities.




CWTS Leiden Ranking is one the most credited world universities ranking which ranks universities by scientific Impacts. Furthermore, world universities were ranked by 24 indicators in 4 general categories as Scientific impact, Scientific diplomacy, Open access to publications and Gender diversity in 2022. Besides, the evaluation has been done with scientific data of universities (at least 800 publications) from Web of Science database between 2017 and 2020.

University of Guilan (UG) ranked 981 by the scientific impact, while UG's rank by the same criterion was 753 in 2021. On top of that, UG ranked 981 In scientific diplomacy, 981 in open access and 954 in Gender in 2022 world ranking.

In detail information are available on CWTS Leiden Ranking website


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