University of Guilan ranked 301-350 In TIMES Asian University Ranking

03 07 2022
کد خبر : 3195807
تعداد بازدید : 617

In the latest Asian universities Ranking of TIMES higher education world university ranking in 2022, University of Guilan Ranked 301-350.

In 2022 Asian universities ranking, 616 universities were ranked and it is worthwhile to mention that 58 universities which evaluated in this ranking were Iranian.




TIMES higher education world university ranking is one the most creditable global ranking systems which ranks world top universities in various categories (Global, Regional and …) by 13 performance indicators. On top of that, in Asian universities ranking, educational institutes are ranked by their core missions (teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook). Also, research publications considered in this year's ranking are those published in 2016-2020. It should be noted that received documents belong to date between 2016 and 2021 and self-statements data of universities till 2019.

In detail information are available on TIMES higher education Asian university ranking page


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