University of Guilan's position raised in the Webometrics latest ranking (July 2022)

28 08 2022
کد خبر : 3195583
تعداد بازدید : 486

In the latest Webometrics ranking (July 2022 edition), University of Guilan ranked 1341st among 31,000 global, 19th national, and 461th Iranian institutions, and 7th among comprehensive universities.

In this ranking, University of Guilan has also raised 92 places in the world and one place in the country rankings compared to the first six months. The results of this ranking are published based on indicators such as the number of highly cited articles, references to researchers' articles in the Google Scholar database, and the received links. The Webometrics ranking system has started its research since 2004 and every six months (July and January), more than 30,000 educational and research institutions and universities are Evaluated and ranked in terms of web metrics (50% weight) and research (50% weight). One of the goals of this ranking is to improve the quality of researches in universities and higher education institutions and encourage researchers to produce and publish their works in the electronic form of content, in order to improve the general accessibility of the society.


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